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Battle Traits modify the battle to make it harder. Each level of Battle trait chosen raise the XP multiplier, based on difficulty. 30% in Looming, 70% in Glaring and 120% in Haunting. They have a maximum of seven levels. Each level cost more Shadow Core than the previous: 1 for the first 2 for the next and 3 for the third and so on in Looming difficulty. In Glaring it is multiplied by 2 and in Haunting by 3. Battle traits are purchased before the battle for Shadow Cores and you only need to pay if you win. With the Magician's Pouch, maximum XP multiplier is x19.90 for Looming, x45.60 for Glaring, and x78.10 for Haunting. Without it, the maximum XP multiplier is x13.60 for Looming, x30.90 for Glaring, and Haunting isn't available.

For each level of battle trait taken number of waves increases by 1 (counted after adding waves from difficulty). When choosing giant domination the extra waves are always giants, and in Endurance you get +5% more giant waves for each level of giant domination, up to +35% more waves with giants. This is the same for swarmling domination.

Higher difficulty raises monster stats, battle trait shadow core cost, XP multiplier and drop rarity range

Battle Trait list:

Adaptive Carapace

  • Unlocked by beating field Q6
Each hit on a monster increases its resistance to damage, up to a cap of 20 hits.
Level 1: 0.5% damage resistance per hit, up to 10% damage resistance
Level 7: 3.5% damage resistance per hit, up to 70% damage resistance

Mana Lock

  • Unlocked by beating field I5
Gathered mana (from kills, shards, or time) is only awarded at fixed intervals rather than continually.
Level 1: every 10 seconds.
Level 7: every 100 seconds.

Corrupted Banishment

  • Unlocked by beating field O6
Banished monsters get bonus hit points and max hit points, bonus armor and bonus shield layers
Level 1: +18%hp, +10 armor, +1 layer of shield
Level 7: +126%hp, +70 armor, +7 layers of shield


  • Unlocked by beating field F4
Wave stones move faster, causing monsters to appear sooner.
Level 1: 7% faster.
Level 7: 49% faster.

Beacon Storm

  • Unlocked by beating field E6
A beacon appears every 3rd wave at a random location in the map. Also, beacons activate faster and have higher hit points/armor.
Level 1: 7% faster, 27% more hp and armor
Level 7: 49% faster, 189% more hp and armor

Giant Domination

  • Unlocked by beating field H3
Giants are faster and have more hit points and armor.
Level 1: +30% armor, +5% hp/speed
Level 7: +210% armor, +35% hp/speed

Swarmling Domination

  • Unlocked by beating field J3 (Magician Pouch only)
Swarmlings get decreased duration on slow freeze and curse
Level 1: -9% decreased duration
Level 7: -63% decreased duration


  • Unlocked from the start (Magician Pouch only)
Orblets give +3% mana gain bonus, until taken by the monsters - orblets carried outside the battlefield give a permanent -10% mana gain penalty.
Level 1: 3 orblets appear around your Orb
Level 7: 9 orblets appear around your Orb

Chasing Shadows

  • Unlocked by beating field X5 (Magician Pouch only)



  • Normal battle values
  • +30% XP multiplier per trait per level

Glaring (K4)

  • +40 first wave hp
  • +15 first wave armor
  • +10% hp regeneration
  • +2% hit point increment per wave
  • +25% armor level increment per wave
  • +30% monster ability power increment per wave
  • +50% banishment mana cost
  • +10% amount of monsters
  • +50% number of waves
  • 3x monster nest and beacon hp
  • +50% base XP multiplier
  • +70% XP multiplier per trait per level
  • x2 shadow core cost for battle traits

Haunting (T6) (Magician Pouch only)

  • 333 first wave hp
  • +30 first wave armor
  • +20% hp regeneration
  • +4% hit point increment per wave
  • +40% armor level increment per wave
  • +50% monster ability power increment per wave
  • +150% banishment mana cost
  • +20% amount of monsters
  • +100% number of waves
  • 6x monster nest and beacon hp
  • +150% base XP multiplier
  • +120% XP multiplier per trait per level
  • x3 shadow core cost for battle traits