Gemcraft Wiki
Level Screen

This is the level select. The progress on this map is 4 complete, 2 incomplete and 3 locked levels.

In Gemcraft Chapter 1 (The Forgotten) there are 35 normal levels, 5 epic levels and 8 secret levels, a total of 48 levels. Levels are displayed on a horizontally scrolling map. Additionally, each level can be highlighted to display information about the level. This information includes number of waves, your best score, the glowing frame score needed to unlock secret levels and available gems in the level.

Level Navigation[]

Since Game In A Bottle did not label the levels, here are some pictures to help you find the level you're searching for.


Levels 1-13, levels H1-H2 (41-42)


Levels 14-25, levels H3-H6 (43-46)


Levels 26-40, levels H6-H8 (46-48)

List of Levels[]

Wiki Level # Data file ID Waves First wave HP Glowing frame score Gem types available Unlocked by
1 0 8 4 790000 RedOrangePurple Start
2 1 12 6 1150000 GreenYellowLime 1
3 2 15 8 1300000 BlueLimeCyan 1
4 3 18 8 1600000 OrangePurple 2
5 4 20 10 2020000 YellowRedBlueOrange 2
6 5 24 12 2450000 GreenRedOrange 4
H1 (41) 6 40 80 4800000 Green 1,2,3,4,5,6

(Glowing Frame)

7 7 28 16 2820000 YellowRedBlueOrangeCyan 5
8 8 26 18 2650000 YellowLimePurple 6
9 9 32 20 4030000 RedBlue 7
10 10 32 21 4000000 All 8,9
11 11 32 22 3960000 YellowLimeOrangePurple 10
12 12 26 24 2585000 RedBlueCyan 10
13 13 28 28 2750000 GreenRedPurple 10
14 15 36 32 3800000 RedOrange 12
H2 (42) 14 40 80 4900000 Yellow 11,12,13,14

(Glowing Frame)

15 16 28 32 2680000 GreenYellowRedLimePurple 13,14
16 19 42 32 4100000 All 15
17 20 32 42 4150000 GreenRedBlueLimeOrange 16
18 21 28 40 2870000 RedLime 16
19 22 32 42 3600000 GreenBlueOrange 16
20 23 32 40 3950000 GreenBlueLimePurple 19
21 24 28 40 3100000 GreenYellowRedBlueLimeOrangePurple 18
H3 (43) 17 40 80 4860000 Red 15,17,18,21

(Glowing Frame)

H4 (44) 18 40 80 4780000 Blue 16,19,20

(Glowing Frame)

22 25 32 38 3800000 LimeOrange 20
23 26 32 42 3720000 GreenRedBlueCyan 20
24 27 36 26 3920000 YellowLimeCyan 22
25 29 48 30 5300000 All 24
H5 (45) 28 40 80 4500000 Lime 22,23,24,25

(Glowing Frame)

26 31 36 40 4200000 YellowRedBlueCyan 27
27 32 36 45 4300000 GreenRedBlueLimeOrangePurpleCyan 25
28 33 32 48 3900000 GreenRed 27
29 34 36 52 4250000 GreenYellowLimeOrange 27
H6 (46) 30 40 80 5030000 Orange 26,27,28,29

(Glowing Frame)

30 36 36 56 4760000 GreenYellowBluePurpleCyan 27
31 38 48 64 5540000 All 30
32 37 40 60 4980000 GreenRedBlueLimePurpleOrange 31
33 39 40 68 4830000 RedLimePurpleCyan 31
H7 (47) 35 40 80 4850000 Purple 30,31,32,33

(Glowing Frame)

34 40 44 72 5100000 YellowPurple 31
35 42 44 76 5100000 LimeYellow 31
36 43 40 80 4800000 GreenYellowBlue 34
37 45 48 80 5500000 OrangePurpleCyan 35
38 44 46 80 5300000 GreenRedPurple 35,36
H8 (48) 41 40 80 5050000 Cyan 34,35,36,37,38

(Glowing Frame)

39 46 48 80 5600000 GreenYellowRedLimePurple 38
40 47 50 80 6000000 All 39