Gemcraft Chapter 2 (Chasing Shadows) contains many Vision Fields. No talisman fragments, skills, or battle traits are available on these fields, and you are given a set of specific spells and a fixed amount of mana, regardless of your wizard level or other progress in the game. This makes these fields particularly challenging because their difficulty does not decrease as you level up or gather high-level talisman fragments.
Vision Field V1[]
![Field v1](
- Main article: Field V1 (Gemcraft Chapter 2)
This field is located in Hextile K.
Layout and specs[]
- Number of waves: 99
- First wave HP: 38
- Available gems: Slow, Poison, Critical Hit
- Starting mana: 18,000
- Strike spells: Freeze
- Gem enhancement spells: Bolt, Beam
This field consists of five ensnaring nodes and one ensnaring socket, along with your orb of presence. There are 4 entry points for monsters to enter the field.
This field is identical in appearance to Field K3, except that it takes place well before the time of the current gameplay, before the nodes and socket became ruined. You must charge the nodes to 100% by having monsters frozen around them for a certain amount of time.
![Gem Craft Chasing Shadows Vision Field 1](
You can beat this level by putting a tower just below and 2 1/2 spaces to the left of your orb. Most of the tower will be in the path with the top right corner off the path. Put a combined gem of grade 1 critical hit and grade 1 slowing and then upgraded it as you are able. About the point where your gem is grade 4 or 5, start adding amplifiers around it. You can fit 3 amplifiers without "blocking". Put level 1 gems in those and upgrade them as well as you are able. Build walls on the right side to force monsters entering on the 2 lower right paths to go up and around near the upper right path. Build another wall shutting off the right hand path to the orb so the monsters have to go down and all approach the orb near the lower left node. Put a trap with a grade 3 poison gem in it and enhance that gem with Bolt when you get a chance. Use scroll on your mouse to restrict the gem in your tower to striking monsters after they've passed the node on the upper left. Place Beam on the gem in the Tower whenever it's available. The picture is to show placement only. Start with the Tower, walls and trap and add the amplifiers later.
To charge the nodes make note of the fact that if you freeze monsters between 2 nodes, both nodes get charged while they are frozen. Charge the 2 nodes on the left 1st. Once they are charged you can expand the striking area of the gem in the Tower to hit the area between them. Then freeze monsters between the 2 upper nodes on the right until they are done. Then charge the bottom right node. If the top node on the right is completed before the middle right one you can freeze monsters between the middle node and the bottom right node until it's full. Once they are all fully charged, which will be around Wave 80 or so, the Gem of Eternity will activate and you're done.
There was an easy way to beat this level, as shown here. However, gameinabottle imposed a new requirement (sending early waves no longer reduces the cooldown on spells) that prevents this strategy from working.
Vision Field V2[]
![Field v2](
- Main article: Field V2 (Gemcraft Chapter 2)
This field is located in Hextile P.
Layout and specs[]
- Number of waves: 99
- First wave HP: 52
- Available gems: Mana leeching, Chain hit
- Starting mana: 39,000
- Strike spells: Curse
- Gem enhancement spells: Bolt, Barrage
Similar to Field V1, this field also has 5 summoning nodes and one summoning socket. (This is also the location where The Forgotten was summoned.) However, to charge the nodes on V2, you must have cursed monsters near each node for a certain amount of time.
Again, the layout is identical to one of the normal fields on the same Hextile, Field P1. The vision also takes place before the nodes and socket were ruined, as they are in the current-time game play. There are also three monsters nests, ten towers, and five abandoned buildings, which can be destroyed with gems of Grades 2-5.
Vision Field V3[]
![Field v3](
- Main article: Field V3 (Gemcraft Chapter 2)
This field is located in Hextile C.
Layout and specs[]
- Number of waves: 228
- First wave HP: 84
- Available gems: Mana leeching, Critical hit, Poolbound, Chain hit, Poison, Suppressing Healing, Bloodbound, Slow, Armor tearing
- Starting mana: 100,000
- Strike spells: Freeze, Curse
- Gem enhancement spells: Bolt, Beam
Unlike Fields V1 and V2, V3 does not have ensnaring nodes or sockets. In fact, the layout of field V3 comes from Gemcraft Chapter 0 (Gem of Eternity); this field is almost exactly the same as the underground tomb that is the final field of that game, though without the Forgotten imprisoned by a Gem of Eternity. This Field is set in the distant future, in a (possible) future in which the Tomb of the Forgotten had fallen out of use and was abandoned for a long time.
Vision Field V4[]
- Main article: Field V4 (Gemcraft Chapter 2)
This field is located in Hextile D.
Layout and specs[]
- Number of waves: 19
- First wave HP: 24
- Available gems: Critical hit, poison
- Starting mana: 1,600
- Strike spells: none
- Gem enhancement spells: Bolt
Field V4 is based on the first field of Gemcraft: Labyrinth. The one thing that can make this field challenging is the appearance of a Shadow.
Make sure to enrage the first 9 waves (before shadow comes out), so you'll have enough mana to complete the level. Alternatively, have a Grade 7+ gem amplified by another Grade 3+ gem to wear down the shadow's health, and build towers with Grade 2 gems around your orb to protect it from the shadow's shadow projectiles.
Vision Field V5[]
- Main article: Field V5 (Gemcraft Chapter 2)
This field is located in Hextile L.
Layout and Specs[]
- Number of waves: 46
- First wave HP: 68
- Available gems: Chain Hit, Mana Leech, Critical Hit, Poison, Suppressing Healing, Slow, Armor Tearing, Bloodbound, Poolbound.
- Starting mana: 12,000
- Strike spells: Freeze, Curse, Wake of Eternity
- Gem enhancement spells: Bolt, Beam, Barrage
Field V5 is based on the 60th level of Gemcraft Chapter 0 (Gem of Eternity). This field is can be quite difficult because of the appearance of multiple Spires and Shadows, all of which appear in rapid succession. However, this means that even failing the level can provide you with many shadow cores, which can be useful in building up shadow cores (if you can kill some of the Spires and Shadows).
You can beat this field with one red-black-purple and one red-black-yellow gem. Later you can add 2 amplifiers on the center of the map, with a red-purple and red-yellow gem inside initially. Constantly use the Gem Enhancement Shrine to kill the shadows whenever they show up.
Vision Field V6[]
- Main article: Field V6 (Gemcraft Chapter 2)
This field is located in Hextile U.
Layout and specs[]
- Number of waves: 29
- First wave HP: 7
- Available gems: Mana Leeching, Critical Hit, Suppressing Healing, Bloodbound, Slowing
- Starting Mana: 2,100
- Strike spells: None
- Gem enhancement spells: None
Field V6 is based on Level 31 from Gemcraft Chapter 0. There are multiple static beacons on the field, which makes the construction of new buildings and traps difficult.
Duplicate the Poison gem to fill the other traps. Upgrade all of them once immediately and again as soon as possible. A Grade 3 pure Green trap will stop almost any Swarmling in the level, but you can upgrade further for better fire rate and sure kills of the last few waves after you have a decent beacon-killer. You will also need a strong tower gem and a place to put it to kill some Giants later.
Two of the outer beacons (middle left and lower right) have low enough armor for a Grade 3 Yellow-Black gem to destroy. You only start with enough mana to attack one (right is more effective), but once your traps are all Grade 3 you can attack the other. When the beacon falls, build a new tower and you should be able to hit a bit of track to help your traps. Focus on upgrading your tower gem to at least Grade 7 so it can reliably penetrate the armor of the other beacons, and try to move it inwards once or twice more before the Giants show up.
Vision Field V7[]
- Main article: Field V7 (Gemcraft Chapter 2)
This field is located in Hextile Q.
Layout and specs[]
- Number of waves: 40 + 4 tombs of monsters
- First wave HP: 24
- Available gems: Critical Hit, Poison, Bloodbound, Slowing
- Starting Mana: 2,200
- Strike spells: Freeze, Curse
- Gem enhancement spells: Beam, Barrage
- Take care of your mana span.
- Maze building first, and during the game with stops to prevent overflow.
- Use yellow-black or green-yellow gem. Mix them 1:1, no pure color.
- Use skills/spells in the shortcut sequence of 2 (curse), 1 (freeze), 4 (beam).
- Reduce the banish cost by building amplifiers (with towers as well) around your orb.
- Good luck...
Video: Almost perfect.
Vision Field V8[]
- Main article: Field V8 (Gemcraft Chapter 2)
This field is located in Hextile J.
Layout and specs[]
- Number of waves: 40
- First wave HP: 24
- Available gems: Bloodbound, Chain hit, Critical Hit, Poison
- Starting Mana: 1,000
- Gem enhancement spells: Bolt, Barrage
The layout of this field resembles that of Level 19 in Gemcraft Chapter 0 (Gem of Eternity).
This map has four destructible monster nests on the top half of the map. The first goal should be to destroy the three leftmost nests so all monsters receive as many hits as possible.
Place towers at the locations marked on the map to the right. Make a grade 2 blood bound, a grade 1 chain hit, and a grade 1 critical gem. Combine these into a Grade 3 Yellow-Red-Black gem and place it at the left tower. Duplicate and place in the right tower. Because this map has many giant waves upgrading these 2 gems as high as possible should be a priority.
Use bolt on the left tower and barrage on the right. Upgrade the left gem when possible until the left 2 nests are destroyed (if you wish to destroy the 3rd you may need to make a tower and low grade gem), then upgrade both gems when available (approximately Grade 7s when beating the map).
There are three shrines of blades that start on the map, use the one closest to your orb if monsters get through.
Vision Field V9[]
- Main article: Field V9 (Gemcraft Chapter 2)
This field is located in Hextile Y.
Layout and specs[]
- Number of waves: 50
- First wave HP: 240
- Available gems: Mana Leeching, Critical Hit, Chain Hit, Armor Tearing
- Starting Mana: 13,000
- Gem enhancement spells: Bolt, Beam, Barrage
- Strike Spells: Freeze
The layout of this level is identical to that of Level 40 in Gemcraft Chapter 1 (The Forgotten), the final level of that game. The only differences are that the tower of the corrupted wizard is now destroyed, and that the monsters approach your orb from the two other paths. This is also the final level in Gemcraft Chapter 2: Chasing Shadows.
This map has two entrances, approaching your orb from different sides.
Place a tower to the left of your orb so it can cover both paths. Make a grade 2 critical hit gem, and merge a grade 1 chain hit gem into it, upgrade as far as you can afford, place it in your tower. When you can afford it, duplicate the gem and place in the top right tower. Upgrade them when you can, apply gem enhancement spells to avoid upgrade cooldowns. You may have to shift the most powerful gem down a few times to handle large waves.
Mid/late in the level, you can make traps near the entrances with armor tearing/chain hit gems, but this is probably unnecessary.
Vision Field V10[]
- Main article: Field V10 (Gemcraft Chapter 2)
This field is location in Hextile N.
Layout and Specs[]
- Number of Waves: 36
- First Wave HP: 25
- Available Gems: Mana Leeching, Critical Hit, Chain Hit, Poison, Slow
- Starting Mana: 2,200
- Gem enhancement spells: Bolt
- Strike Spells: Curse
Video: [1]
Vision Field V11[]
![V11 World Map](
![Field V11](
- Main article: Field V11 (Gemcraft Chapter 2)
This field is located in Hextile H.
Layout and specs[]
- Number of waves: 24
- First wave HP: 219
- Available gems: Chain Hit, Critical Hit, Mana Leeching
- Starting mana: 400
- Gem enhancement spells: Bolt
This field is derived from Level 1 in Gemcraft Chapter 0.
Working strategy: In the upper-most tower make a dual Red-Yellow (main) with two amplifier just under it with pure yellow. Constantly upgrade the main gem and the Amp gems when you have extra mana and keep the main gem charged with at least one bolt. Don't get discouraged when some of the later waves get through to your orb.
Alternately: In the tower closest to the Nest, create a Red-Yellow Dual gem. Place the poison gem in a trap just outside the nest. Upgrade the Red-Yellow gem whenever available; use bolt as often as possible.
Also alternatively: make a four - way fusion of gems with teir 1 gems, resulting in a tier 3 gem. Set it to attack the enemy with the largest defense. Upgrade it to tier 4. Place an amplifier around it. Place a 3 - way fused gem in it and upgrade its tier to 4. Upgrade the gem in the tower to tier 5. Place two more amplifiers, duplicating your tier two gem. Upgrade the main gem to tier 6. Save your remaining mana. Remember to tactically Place spear on the main gem.
Vision Field V12[]
- Main article: Field V12 (Gemcraft Chapter 2)
This field is located in Hextile X.
Layout and specs[]
- Number of waves: 32
- First wave HP: 24
- Available gems: Poolbound, Chain Hit, Suppressing Healing, Bloodbound
- Starting mana: 900
- Strike spells: None
- Gem enhancement spells: None
This field is derived from Field D10 in Gemcraft Lost Chapter: Labyrinth.
Focus on freeing the sealed Grade 10 Critical Hit gem first. Then, use that gem and upgrade it as necessary.
Vision Field V13[]
- Main article: Field V13 (Gemcraft Chapter 2)
This field is located in Hextile R.
Layout and specs[]
- Number of waves: 40
- First wave HP: 134
- Available gems: Mana leeching, Critical Hit, Poolbound, Poison, Suppress Healing, Bloodbound
- Starting Mana: 1,600
- Strike spells: None
- Gem enhancement spells: None
The layout of this field is based off of Field J6 in Gemcraft Labyrinth.
Vision Field V14[]
- Main article: Field V14 (Gemcraft Chapter 2)
This field is located in Hextile F.
Layout and specs[]
- Number of waves: 32
- First wave HP: 423
- Available gems: Armor Tearing, Chain Hit, Mana Leech
- Starting mana: 660
- Strike spells: none
- Gem enhancement spells: none
This map has 3 towers and many starting gems in the inventory (3 grade 1, 5 grade 3, 4 grade 4, 5 grade 5, 4 grade 6).
Vision Field V15[]
- Main article: Field V15 (Gemcraft Chapter 2)
This field is located in Hextile A.
Layout and specs[]
- Number of waves: 28
- First wave HP: 24
- Available gems: Mana Leeching, Critical Hit, Chain Hit, Bloodbound
- Starting mana: 2400
- Strike spells: Freeze
- Gem enhancement spells: Bolt
Build a tower to cover as much path as possible then block off some of the paths to direct the creatures to that gem. (use the corners are easiest) then make a high-level crit gem and add level 1 chain and blood gems to it. use bolts and freeze to negate the cooldown timer when upgrading.
Vision Field V16[]
- Main article: Field V16 (Gemcraft Chapter 2)
This field is located in Hextile G.
Layout and specs[]
- Number of waves: 46
- First wave HP: 42
- Available gems: Armor Tearing, Chain Hit, Mana Leech, Critical Hit, Suppressing Healing
- Starting mana: 2200
- Strike spells: Freeze, Wake of Eternity
- Gem enhancement spells: Bolt, Beam
This map has 13 traps and no space to build towers or amplifiers.
Vision Field V17[]
- Main article: Field V17 (Gemcraft Chapter 2)
This field is located in Hextile W.
Layout and specs[]
- Number of waves: 48
- First wave HP: 76
- Available gems: Critical Hit, Chain Hit, Poison, Bloodbound, Armor Tearing
- Starting Mana: 1,600
- Strike spells: None
- Gem enhancement spells: Bolt, Beam
The layout of this field is based off of Field B12 in Gemcraft Labyrinth. This Vision Field features multiple Spires, which can make this field particularly challenging.
Vision Field V18[]
- Main article: Field V18 (Gemcraft Chapter 2)
This field is located in Hextile J.
Layout and specs[]
- Number of waves: 40
- First wave HP: 80
- Available gems: Mana Leech
- Starting mana: 800
- Strike spells: Freeze
- Gem enhancement spells: Beam
This field resembles Level 46 from Gemcraft Chapter 1 (The Forgotten), which is the Mana Leeching Gem hidden level in that game.
Constantly cast beam on the main (strongest) gem to leech tons of mana.
Set your gems to weakest to save mana from starlings and reavers.
Vision Field V19[]
- Main article: Field V19 (Gemcraft Chapter 2 - Steam)
This field is located in Hextile Q. This field is the first of 5 Steam-exclusive Vision Fields, all of which feature powerful Arcane Guardians as the final bosses. To gain access to this Vision Field, you must first complete the Mysterious Compass to obtain Field Q7, and then beat that field and Field Q8 to acquire this Vision Field.
Layout and specs[]
- Number of waves: 38
- First wave HP: 620
- Available gems: Mana Leeching, Critical Hit, Suppress Healing, Slowing
- Starting Mana: 24,000
- Strike spells: None
- Gem enhancement spells: Bolt, Beam
- The following abilities are disabled: Build Wall and Build Amplifier
This field is derived from Level 48 in Gemcraft Chapter 0 (Gem of Eternity). After beating the last wave, 5 Arcane Guardians will appear, with at least 777,777 Hit Points (including one with 2,777,777 Hit Points). Unlike the Arcane Guardians in Gemcraft Chapter 0, none of the Arcane Guardians in Gemcraft Chapter 2 appear with Arcane Minions, meaning that there's no easy way to gain mana or degrade the Guardians' armor. Additionally, these Arcane Guardians cannot be banished, as they will instantly destroy your orb on contact, which can make these Steam-exclusive Vision Fields extremely challenging.
Vision Field V20[]
- Main article: Field V20 (Gemcraft Chapter 2 - Steam)
This Field is located in Hextile O. This field is exclusive to the Steam version.
Layout and specs[]
- Number of waves: 45
- First wave HP: 78
- Available gems: Mana Leeching, Critical Hit, Chain Hit, Poison, Suppress Healing, Armor Tearing
- Starting Mana: 1,600
- Strike spells: None
- Gem enhancement spells: None
- The following abilities are disabled: Build Wall and Build Amplifier
This field is derived from Level 77 in Gemcraft Chapter 0 (Gem of Eternity), which is the 5th Arcane Guardian Battle in that game. After the final wave is beaten, 6 Arcane Guardians will appear, each with at least 35,000 Hit Points (including one with 500,000 Hit Points). None of these Arcane Guardians can be banished; they will instantly destroy your orb on contact.
You should have at least one high-grade gem by the time you beat the last wave. After the Arcane Guardians appear, when the Guardians get closer to your orb, tear down one of the towers blocking a path to your orb, and build a new tower to block the shortest path to your orb (also move your gem to the new tower). When the Arcane Guardians come close to new tower, tear it down and rebuilt the old tower, to force the Arcane Guardians to move back in the other direction. You should repeat this process and make the Arcane Guardians move back and forth across the path until you have destroyed all of them.
Vision Field V21[]
- Main article: Field V21 (Gemcraft Chapter 2 - Steam)
This field is located in Hextile B
This field is exclusive to the Steam version.
Layout and specs[]
- Number of waves: 26
- First wave HP: 82
- Available gems: Critical Hit, Chain Hit, Poison, Suppressing Healing, Slowing, Armor Tearing
- Starting mana: 900
- Strike spells: None
- Gem enhancement spells: None
- The following abilities are disabled: Build Wall and Build Amplifier
This field is derived from Level 16 in Gemcraft Chapter 0. After beating the final wave, 4 Arcane Guardians will appear, three of which have 60,000 hit points each, and one of which (the leading Guardian) has 150,000 hit points. None of the Arcane Guardians can be banished; they will instantly destroy your orb on contact.
Vision Field V22[]
- Main article: Field V22 (Gemcraft Chapter 2 - Steam)
This field is located in Hextile T. This field is exclusive to the Steam version.
Layout and specs[]
- Number of waves: 40
- First wave HP: 449
- Available gems: Mana Leeching, Critical Hit, Chain Hit, Slowing, Armor Tearing
- Starting mana: 360,000
- Strike spells: None
- Gem enhancement spells: None
- The following abilities are disabled: Build Wall and Build Amplifier
This field is derived from Level 63 in Gemcraft Chapter 0 (Gem of Eternity). This field features the largest number of Arcane Guardians in Gemcraft Chapter 2, as well as the strongest Arcane Guardians. After the final wave is beaten, 7 Arcane Guardians will appear, each with 4,444,444 Hit Points or more, including one Arcane Guardian with 44,444,444 Hit Points. None of the Arcane Guardians can be banished; they will instantly destroy your orb on contact.
When the Arcane Guardians appear, first kill off the ones that are closest to your orb, and then kill off the remaining Arcane Guardians in reverse order of strength, beginning with the weaker ones (or whichever Guardians happen to be the closest to your orb). Make sure you have a Grade 12 or higher Critical Hit gem by the time you fight the Arcane Guardians. When battling the stronger Arcane Guardians (after killing the weaker ones), always have your strongest gems targeting one, especially when you are left with the strongest Arcane Guardian.
Vision Field V23[]
- Main article: Field V23 (Gemcraft Chapter 2 - Steam)
This field is located in Hextile L. This field is exclusive to the Steam version. In order to gain access to this field, you must beat Field L7 on Glaring Difficulty, which requires you to beat Vision Field V5 first.
Layout and specs[]
- Number of waves: 38
- First wave HP: 64
- Available gems: Poolbound, Poison, Slowing, Armor Tearing
- Starting mana: 1,300
- Strike spells: None
- Gem enhancement spells: None
- The following abilities are disabled: Build Wall and Build Amplifier
This field is derived from Level 33 in Gemcraft Chapter 0. After the final wave has been beaten 6 Arcane Guardians will appear, each with at least 59,999 Hit Points (the leading Guardian has 299,000 Hit Points). None of the Arcane Guardians can be banished; they will instantly destroy your orb on contact.